Game of Thrones, the epic fantasy series that captivated millions of viewers worldwide, left fans with numerous questions and speculations about the future of their beloved characters. Among them, Jon Snow, portrayed by Kit Harington, remains one of the most enigmatic figures. As we await any potential continuation of the series, let’s delve into ten fan theories that explore the possible fate and adventures of Jon Snow in the world of Westeros.
1. King in the North No More
Some fans speculate that Jon Snow’s tenure as King in the North was temporary. He could either relinquish the title to another or see the North become an independent kingdom altogether.
2. A Targaryen Heir
Jon’s true parentage as the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen was revealed, making him a legitimate Targaryen heir to the Iron Throne. Will he pursue this claim?
3. A Life Beyond the Wall
Jon’s deep connection with the Free Folk could lead him back beyond the Wall, where he’d continue to protect the realms of men from threats north of the Wall.
4. The Lord Commander Returns
Some fans believe Jon might return to the Night’s Watch as Lord Commander, upholding his commitment to protect the Wall and maintain peace.
5. A Reunion with Ghost
After leaving Ghost behind in the series finale, fans hope for a heartwarming reunion between Jon and his loyal direwolf.
6. The Threat Beyond the Wall
Jon Snow might remain vigilant against the White Walkers or any lingering magical threats, ensuring they never rise again.
7. An Adventure in Essos
Could Jon explore Essos, discovering new lands and cultures, or perhaps find a purpose in the mysterious lands across the Narrow Sea?
8. Love and Family
Many fans want Jon to find happiness and start a family after years of turmoil, possibly with a character like Daenerys (if she’s resurrected) or a new love interest.
9. A Political Role
Jon could take on a significant political role, either as an advisor to a ruling monarch or as a diplomat between warring factions.
10. The Unknown Journey
Perhaps Jon’s future will remain a mystery, leaving room for endless speculation and anticipation among fans.
While Game of Thrones may have concluded, the world of fan theories and speculations about Jon Snow’s future continues to thrive. Whether he becomes a king, a wanderer, or something entirely unexpected, the enduring fascination with this iconic character ensures that Jon Snow’s story will live on in the hearts and minds of fans everywhere.